Fire Prevention & Public Education

Public education through fire prevention awareness is one of the most important responsibilities of the West Metro Fire-Rescue District and we welcome the opportunity to share our resources in our communities whenever possible. We provide programs to businesses, schools, places of worship, senior living facilities, multifamily dwellings and civic groups.

Programs include tours of the fire station, senior fire safety presentations, apartment safety presentations, fire extinguisher training, evacuation drills, school presentations, residential fire safety surveys and other special events.

For additional information or to schedule a fire department public education program, please contact us.

For Kids!

Fire prevention and education is the best way to keep our community safe! It is never to early to start learning about best practices around the house and in your neighborhood!

Click on Sparky to play games and learn more about fire safety!

Other links for kids fire safety

Fire Safe Kid

FireTrap Game

For Parents and Adults!

Click on the icons for more information on fire safety and best practices!

Home Safety Survey

Having a complimentary home safety survey conducted by a West Metro Firefighter is a great way to educate your family about fire safety. Our home safety surveys are risk-free and no-fee with the priority being to create a safer living space for your family! We highly recommend as the fire experts that you have this done at least once a year. Any living space within the cities of New Hope and Crystal are eligible for this program!

Become a Hydrant Hero!

Every winter there are hundreds of fire hydrants within the district that need to be maintained in order to ensure accessibility in case of fire. If you are a New Hope or Crystal resident and are willing to assist the district in maintaining a hydrant on your property (clearing snow) we invite you to complete the form below and become a Hydrant Hero. We thank you for your assistance!